(Penny Stine – Sentinel Special Sections) Staying in their own home may be an option that most seniors would prefer, but for some, there’s a point in their lives when it’s no longer the best option. That point, however, is different for everyone, and there are no simple answers or formulas to determine when it’s time to consider assisted living for yourself or for a family member.
Fortunately, there are a few signs and trigger events that can indicate that assisted living may be the best and safest place for a senior to live.” A lot of times, it’s when someone is unsafe in their home and there aren’t options to have care in their home,” said Christie Higgins, director of Aging and Disability Resources for Colorado (ADRC).
Sometimes, trigger events can force the issue, like the death of a spouse who may have functioned somewhat as a caregiver, a serious sickness, surgery or even a hard fall from which somewhat can’t recover. Seniors with dementia may get to a point where they can no longer function on their own.